Glenn T. Seaborg Institute

Postdoctoral Fellows

The Process

  1. Find a mentor that currently works at ORNL. Feel free to contact a potential mentor from our list of suggestions. 
  2. Apply to the job post online.
  3. Work with you mentor to write a proposal related to the current proposal call.
  4. Send all information required by the job posting (see below) to [email protected]


The goal is to advance actinide science in a comprehensive project that ties research with ORNL’s missions.


The Seaborg Initiative obtains funding internally through LDRD and externally from sponsors. The program provides approximately half-time support and a modest amount of M&S funds. The appointments cover a two-year period.


Successful candidates must be approved for division funding by the ORNL postdoctoral program and be performing research that is tied to actinide or isotope science.

How to apply

Both US and non-US citizens are eligible to apply, but US citizenship may be required for some research. Postdocs interested in submitting an application for a postdoctoral position must follow the steps outlined below.



Uranium Hexafluoride Chemistry Call

Deadline: September 23, 2024

Topic of Interest

As the United States looks to expand nuclear energy capabilities, the importance of thoroughly understanding the physical and chemical behavior uranium hexafluoride is key, as this is currently the only material enabling enrichment for fuel elements in power reactors. This call focuses on advancing the understanding of the chemistry and materials compatibility behavior of uranium hexafluoride, through the study of its fundamental chemistry and physical properties. Research which considers redox reactions, implications of radiolysis and spectroscopy are of particular interest.


Basic Qualifications:

  • To be eligible you must have completed a Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, engineering, or a related field within the last 5 years
  • Visa sponsorship is not available for this position


Application Process and Eligibility

Applications will be accepted from June 1, 2024, through September 23, 2024, for positions starting in the 2024/25 timeframe, although earlier appointments are possible. Positions will support one postdoc for two years.

You must first apply for the GTSI postdoctoral fellowship on the ORNL Jobs website. Visit and search for “ORNL GTSI Program.” Click on the job link and complete the application as directed. To be eligible you must have completed a Ph.D. in chemistry, physics, engineering, or a related field with in the last 5 years.

Within 2 weeks following completion of your application, please e-mail the following documents to [email protected] . Please note all supporting documents are due no later than September 23th at 5 pm EST:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Current CV
  3. Unofficial transcripts
  4. Three letters of recommendation (one must be from Ph. D. advisor)
  5. Designated postdoctoral mentor
  6. A concise (1 page maximum) research proposal related to the topic of interest


Selection Process

The Seaborg Postdoctoral Researcher Internal Review Committee will evaluate applications based on candidate excellence and relevance of the proposed research topic.

  • Proposed Seaborg Researcher research project
    • Creativity and innovation
    • Impact on program’s mission
    • Research approach
  • Proposed Seaborg Researcher candidate
    • Strength of candidate

Successful candidates must be approved by the ORNL Postdoc Program before receiving funding and performing research. Final selections will be made by the Seaborg Initiative Leadership Team based on rankings, programmatic balance, project strategic importance, and budget.


Performance Requirements

The Seaborg Postdoctoral Researcher Program requires performance metrics of activities and resource management reporting. Successful Seaborg Postdoctoral Researchers are required to report project activities and to participate in program activities with funding dependent upon compliance with these requirements:

  1. Recipients are required to participate in the Actinide Science Lecture Series by both attending and presenting scientific lectures on actinide science in this Series
  2. Submission of a viewgraph and detailed proposal outlining goals within a month of starting postdoctoral appointment.
  3. Provision of a list of project publications and presentations each fiscal quarter.
  4. Acknowledgement of Nonproliferation Stewardship Program, NNSA Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Research and Development (DNN R&D) as a financial contributor in all publications or presentations.
  5. Upon completion of the appointment, the recipient will be required to submit short reports on research progress, publications, presentations, and future employment status.
  6. Must have an ORCiD account.