Summer Lecture Series
This summer ORNL will be hosting a summer lecture series to spark the interest of young scientist and engineers in actinide science. These will be held every Thursday afternoon from 2-3pm from June 5th- July 31st. More information to come.
Initiative Lecture Series
The Seaborg Initiative Seminar Series works to harbor collaboration across ORNL, the nation, and internationally by bringing in world renowned scientist in the field of actinide and isotope science.
This summer (June, 2025) we will be hosting Dr. Rebecca Abergel!
The Seaborg Initiative will sponsor and participate in a number of conferences including Gordon Research Conferences, the American Chemical Society (ACS), Materials Research Society (MRS), American Nuclear Society (ANS), Actinide Separations, Plutonium Futures, the minerals, metals and materials society (TMS) symposia.
Sister Institutes
The Seaborg Institute’s are a collaborative effort that span five national laboratories. Check out the other Institutes below.
Follow all of the GTSI on linkedIn!